OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative geographic database crowdsourced by millions of contributors worldwide. For a few years, OpenStreetMap has become the most frequently used geographic database for developing geospatial applications.
Champs-Libres has a great expertise in OSM data mining and we propose several OSM-based services and applications.
Our OpenStreetMap expertise
We are making specific development around the OSM ecosystem for meeting the specific needs from our customers. Our expertise is about :
- geocoding (find coordinates from an address) et inverse geocoding (find the closest address to coordinates) ;
- change detection in OSM data ;
- integration of OSM data within a database or into a process ;
- training on OSM concepts ;
- …
Our practical knowledge of OSM gives us an excellent view on its ecosystem for reusing open source components when available. Our development expertise allows us to further adapt existing components, to reuse them or to create new ones to meet the requested functionalities.
Involved in the OSM community for several years, we can relay the requests of our customers to the local or global OSM community.
Tile servers
Tile servers are used to deliver map tiles in web map applications.
Champs-Libres has a strong experience in deploying and running a map tile webserver from OSM data. This includes:
- managing the data update ;
- integrating different map styles ;
- delivering a high server availability ;
Need of a customised map? We make beautiful maps from OSM data or other data sources.
Our map styles can be optimised for high-quality printing or for displaying on a screen.