Client: Chronicopol, Cyclo, Douche Flux, Halle de Han, HepC, Interstice, Resinam, Resad, Rixensart, SMES
Réalisation: Champs-Libres
Since 2021

Deployment, hosting and maintenance of the chill application with all its general features as explained here,

Support for configuration and training for administrators.


  • HepC: a healthcare network bringing together a maximum number of key players in the management of hepatitis C among vulnerable groups in Brussels.
  • Chronicopôle: support for people with chronic illnesses.
  • Douche Flux: a social and participative project that seeks to improve care for people in very precarious situations.
  • Cyclo: a social economy enterprise focused on job development and improving the urban environment.
  • Interstice: non-profit organization offering school-related and extra-curricular activities for children in the Vieux Laeken Est neighborhood.
  • Resinam: non-profit organization whose main function is to test the implementation of innovative integrated health initiatives.
  • Resad: support network for addiction problems.
  • Rixensart: a municipality.
  • Halle de Han: socio-professional integration center offering training in sales-accommodation-logistics, vocational guidance and the services of a graphics studio.
Technologies utilisées: Docker - PostgreSQL - Symfony - VueJS - OpenStack/Swift - JavaScript - SASS